US FDA Prior Notice Procedure FDA prior notice is a declaration form that requires certain set of information on food or drug shipments imported into the United States. United States regulations force all exporters of any kind of food or drug to submit prior notices via the FDA website prior to arrival at JFK by a minimum of 4 hours. Origin outbound operations should attach the FDA form and the Prior notice number on the HAWB record on the Express Tracking system along with attaching it physical to the shipment going to the US. Failure to provide the FDA form in a timely manner will result in shipments being delayed for clearance (with additional clearance costs) or possibly rejected to enter the US and either to be returned or confiscated. Please follow the below link to see the latest presentation and tutorial ( published under US directory) on how to create a new prior notice , find an existing prior notice, canceling or copying an existing one, kindly communicate this to your operations, sales teams and customers. US FDA Prior Notice Procedure