The increasingly frequent business communication between Taiwan & China is much more rapid than our previous progress. However, there are still many imported limitation into China than other countries. Normally, it’s no specific clearance obstacles regarding Small Parcel Express to China & Hong Kong; nevertheless, for the Air Cargo Express or multiple shipments, consignee in China must own the legal Registration Tax License or Commercial Bureau Contract Permit. Without those license paperwork, it would be hard to clear such shipment smoothly into China. For the precise enquiries, please contact our local GDA Service Centers accordingly.

Please fill the accurate shipper & consignee data on YCS AWB completely, inclusive of Chinese Company Name, precise address, Telephone number, extension number, Cell Phone number, Fax number, Department, attention name, together with the detailed contents description, quantity. If only “P.O.BOX” won’t be acceptable.
The wooden packages are needed to be fumigation.

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